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Cognitive Services | Text to Speech

Multi-language Text to Speech Audio

Text to Speech (TTS) Audio

The Text-to-Speech Translator speaks to users naturally, while enhancing accessibility and usability. The tool allows to convert text to audio in near real-time, stream play back, or save audio file(s) for later use. Azure Text to Speech is available in both Neural and Standard versions.

Text-to-Speech Translator communicates to users in multiple languages. A user simply inputs their desired text into the textbox and then selects the language from the dropdown box that represents the language of the text they input.

For example, if you entered 幸运猫其实没那么幸运! you would then select Chinese (CN) from the dropdown box and click the Translate button. After the text is processed, you may click play on the audio component to hear the recording.


  • Input text in your desired language
  • Auto Detect, or select the language which represents the text input
  • Click the Translate button to process text input
  • Click Play from the audio component
  • Click Clear button to clear content

Check back for new TTS Translator features and functionality.

TTS Translator

Text to Translate - Select the language that matches your input

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